Thursday, February 15, 2007

Internet Entrepreneur Launches New Website with Innovative Twist

Internet Entrepreneur Launches New website with innovative twist.
Esther Forrester

Internet entrepreneur Esther Forrester recently launched a website for her college admissions coaching business. She explains in the following paragraphs the origination for her site.

“My intention was to use the web to publicize my business. I pondered a while about what was the niche of my business. I asked myself what feature of my business set me apart from other existing college admissions coaches. I realized it was two things: the motivation for starting my business and my identity.

I began my college consulting business because of my experience in college tennis. College tennis had a tremendous impact on my collegiate experience. Through college tennis, I made long lasting friends, improved my discipline, and augmented my strength and agility, and most importantly my tennis game. I learned about teamwork, cooperation, accepting harsh criticism and rebounding from disappointment. My tennis experience shaped who I am today. I am someone who is aggressive, ambitious, treks after goals, and never relinquishes them. I am someone who is focused and loyal. After I graduated school, I felt lost without having the structure of college tennis. I tried other careers before I realized that I could make a living on what had fueled me through college. I believed that other people should be informed about the college tennis experience. They should know what to expect from their experience, how to prepare for their experience, and why they should play college tennis.

I believe that I am different from other college athletics advisors. I am not an incredibly accomplished athlete. I was not a highly touted recruit. I was not nationally ranked. I did not attend a top 10 school. Although I do not normally boast about my shortcomings, I feel in this case my achievement levels help me. In spite of all my shortcomings, I played four years of college tennis and was in the starting lineup the entire time. I had a winning record and remain on my schools all time wins list. This demonstrates that no matter what adversity you encounter, you can make the college team. I can figure out a way to for students who aren’t on everyone’s radar to earn a spot on the team roster. In addition, I have a realistic view of college tennis. Only a small fraction of players will end up playing for big time programs. Most of the college athletic advisors primarily speak about their experience in a big time program. A NCAA tournament team. But the majority of athletes are not going to participate in such a program and need a clear picture about the college athletics experience in a non big time program.

On the same token, I can also offer valuable advice to blue chip recruits. I can help them deal with coaches, as I have a good sense of how the coaches operate. I can also help them with negotiating skills and motivation.

I don’t want to be pushy or strict. I simply want to help others make the best decision. I want to build trust with the students I serve and aid them in realizing their potential, being content and proud of their college choice.

I decided to branch out and offer my services to all high school students. I felt that anyone – talented athlete, artist, or future EMT should be guided on how to make his or her college experience meaningful. I believe that anyone can shape their college experience so that they can become involved in an activity that is meaningful, boasts their esteem, develops skills and gives someone something to live for. “

Esther Forrester has successfully helped numerous students select an appropriate college, find a niche at the school. She works with students on essay writing, activity sheet preparation, interview preparation, and managing interactions with coaches.

Please check out her website You may contact Esther Forrester at : or You may also contact her by phone (631) 948 1103 or by mail 220 Sheldrake Ave. Port Jefferson, NY 11777.