Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Tips for high school students preparing for college -

Someone asked me about the steps a high school student should take in preparing for college. There is not a simple answer. One might think the answer is that one should enroll in certain courses and activities or associate with alumni or connected people for recommendations. An alternative answer is that a high school student should focus on developing certain skills and traits. There are specific skills that will trigger success in college and impress admissions officers. General independence skills such as study skills, organizational skills and initiative are crucial to achieving a high quality college experience. Interviewers look for these traits while interviewing candidates and reviewing essays. One activity that will develop independence skills in high school students is staying ahead in classes. This includes reviewing your notes on a daily basis and intentionally trying to make sense of the material, setting yourself a schedule for completion of homework tasks, and practicing different techniques for learning the material- rather than simply hoping you remember what the teachers said in a class lecture . It is important for students to develop these skills while in high school because they will need these skills in college. In college, students are allotted more freedom for handing in assignments and thus need to discipline themselves. Students are also tested less frequently and thus need advanced study skills to attain high grades.
I would also encourage people to develop their independence by orchestrating projects such as organizing a trip or a fundraiser and doing household chores on their own. People should also develop their own voice- whether it means speaking up for a cause you believe in or campaigning for something. High school students should make a habit of taking a stance on ideas that are not necessarily popular and are independent of their peers. This will help you when developing a strong voice for essays. Admissions officers read thousands of essays and are looking for essays with ingenuity and originality. It will also help you in college when deciding what activities to join. Activities in college are not as visible and therefore students need a clear vision of what they are looking to do outside of class.

In essence, students should try to develop a strong sense of self to prepare for college. Students should have beliefs they are willing to arm wrestle for, a strong work habit and a sense of urgency.
For more info see

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